A brief history of my dotfile management May 14, 2021 on Jonathan's Blog Tags: dotfiles, chezmoi



Over the past 2-3 years I have managed my dotfiles in various different ways. This post covers some of the highlights of that journey, and some tips for those just starting out on their configuration journey.

What is a dotfile and why would you manage them?

For the uninitiated amongst you, a “dotfile” is a configuration file for a tool, program or service on your computer. They usually refer to the user specific configuration and often on a Unix based operating system like MacOS or Linux. The name comes from the .(dot) usually at the start of the filename which makes the file “hidden” in most operating systems.

For example ~/.config/nvim/init.lua is the “dotfile” for my NeoVim configuration since it lives in the hidden “.config” directory.

As to why you should manage them, well you don’t have to and if you are using a flashy distribution of Linux where everything is configured with graphical user interfaces then chances are you will have very few dotfiles to manage even if you want to. In my situation, I run a more customisable distribution of Linux called Arch Linux1 so there are more than a handful of dotfiles to keep track of. Furthermore my configuration changes on a regular basis and I might want to revert certain parts so version control if a really nice thing to have.

So here are my top reasons for managing dotfiles:

So you may now be thinking “so how do I manage my dotfiles?” and here are some approaches I have experience with that will hopefully answer that question.


Symlinking (short for symbolic linking) creates a relationship between the real file and a linked file, allowing the same file to appear multiple times in your filesystem. This can be really useful for dotfiles since you can keep all your configurations in one place, say ~/dotfiles and then symlink those files to their required locations.

For example:

# ZSH Configuration
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/.zshrc ~/.zshrc

Now when we update the file in ~/dotfiles the changes will propagate to the relevant places and your config will be updated.

There are even tools to manage links like this, the most notable is Gnu Stow2.

My personal experience is limited, I never got into Stow2 and only briefly used the symlink method. Since I use linux and almost every tool in my day to day has a config file that lives in its own unique location I ended up confusing myself with symlinks and therefore I quickly started looking for something else.

Now I am not saying don’t use Stow2 or plain old symlinks, but it wasn’t for me when I tried it.

Another downside I noticed is that you either have to script the linking or do it manually, which again I didn’t get along with.

.git at ~

My second management tool involved creating a git repository in my home directory (~/).

This is a fairly simple concept. You create a git repository, add most things to .gitignore and then add your dotfiles relative to the home directory.

Another similar approach involves creating a bare repository, again in somewhere like ~/dotfiles, and then changing the work tree for the git operations to be ~/ or $HOME. There is a pretty good blog post by Marcel Krčah that explains it better than I can.

I have taken both approaches, for similar periods of time and neither stuck.

The first approach meant everything below my home directory was inside a git repository and this was far from ideal and meant that maintaining the .gitignore file was more than half the battle here. Furthermore, the process of using this repo when setting up a new machine was a little confused.

The second approach was arguably better, however the work tree still covered all of the home directory and there were special aliases required for calling git. In my mind, git should be git and not my dotfile manager. Git can play a valuable part in managing dotfiles and it essential to each of the strategies in this post, but it just isn’t what a configuration management tool should be (in my mind) on its own.

chezmoi part 1

Chezmoi3 solves some problems with previous setups. It is a tool that on the surface appears to be a wrapper for git, and in some ways it is, but it can manage secrets, run scripts and conditionally apply configuration. These features pulled me in because the state of my laptop and PC were largely separate apart from the basic building blocks.

Chezmoi allowed me to create a simple setup (which I ran on my laptop) and then add to that to create the setup I used on my PC. Further to this, I was able to use my same Chezmoi repo to manage the dotfiles on my Windows VM when I was working at my summer internship.

Although possibly biased, there is a comparison between Chezmoi and other dotfile managers that you can find here.

The reason I left Chezmoi for a period was that some features got a little abstract. My least favourite part was when managing dotfiles that were edited externally (not with chezmoi edit <filename>) since these would have to be added to chezmoi again or you would risk losing them next time you applied your changes. As a user of Emacs, where I would edit my dotfiles daily and from within Emacs, this was a pain.

The Ansible Era

During a boredom driven spiral through YouTube I stumbled across a series of videos by Jeff Geerling which go through basically everything you need to know about Ansible4, especially for a hobbyist like me. I had heard of Ansible4 prior to this point but had never really taken the time to learn about it, and Jeff seemed like a reputable source so I started to watch.

During the series he mentions at least once about managing his personal Mac with an Ansible playbook. So I set about looking for ways to do that myself. This is when I found myself clicking through a repository by kespinola on Github 5. These seemed a little more my speed as they were targeted towards linux, so I used the layout of his repository and copied the bin directory for the bootstrapping script.

I switched to Ansible when I found Chezmoi6 to be limited when it came to system operations such as installing packages. Ansible provides this in an idempotent fashion meaning that it won’t try to install stuff that’s already installed, it won’t copy files if they exist or, more generally, it won’t do something it’s already done. This saved some pain in trying to script that behaviour.

I left Ansible when it became too much effort to update dotfiles. It was perfect for the initial setup of a new machine but fell apart in the day-to-day. If you have a large number of machines that you want to be configured exactly the same way then Ansible is for you - otherwise you are better off with one of the other options in this post.

chezmoi part 2 electric boogaloo

Chezmoi didn’t change massively from part 1 other than a few nice features7. I had seen the full spectrum (email me if you think I haven’t) and had to choose and Chezmoi seemed like the lesser of many evils. It doesn’t do the system stuff but otherwise is the best option as it is relatively simple and doesn’t rely on symbolic links. As for the scripting I have switched to using a Makefile to run some simple shell scripts that install dependencies, start services, create directories and more.

Chezmoi isn’t perfect, but neither are any of the other options in this article, for me anyway.

The Takeaway

I am by no means an expert in dotfile management and have certainly not used all the possible approaches. There is a much more comprehensive list of tools at https://dotfiles.github.io/ which I recommend looking at if you don’t see something in this post you like the look of.

For me, Chezmoi is king at the moment. It offers me the things I need for my current situation and the near future. Ansible is a close second but is overkill for my personal dotfiles and I don’t set up new machines from scratch often enough to warrant it. A bare git repository is a cool, minimalist approach but only works if you have a single machine with the same structure, or you will be managing a bunch of branches and it gets needlessly complicated.

My Dotfiles

This is an ongoing project of mine. I continuously modify the configurations and scripts as my needs change with the view of improving my quality of life and making stuff look nice.

You can check them out at https://github.com/jonnobrow/dotfiles.

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